Valves Arrangement for Concurrently Maintainable & Tier Compliant Data Centers

The selection and placement of Isolation Valves within the hydronic system of a Data Centre cooling scheme requires careful consideration during the design phase. Poor design can lead to a non-functional arrangement of Isolation Valves that can affect the system availability during both planned and unplanned maintenance.

Follow the link below and download a whitepaper from Bray that provides guidance on the selection and placement of Isolation Valves within the hydronic system topology, dependent upon the level of availability and unobstructed maintenance that is required.

The concept of a concurrently maintainable system is analyzed along with the Uptime Institute paradigms from the perspective of Isolation Valves configuration.

Whitepaper download link: Follow this link and feel free to share

(1) The above mentioned paper has been co-authored by Theo Moumiadis and Colin Gibson in property of Bray (

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